Garden Update #2

Here is a quick update on the porch garden.  Its coming along quite well, and I’m learning something new everyday (This is only my 2nd year to garden). Check out Grow Some Food! and Garden Update #1 for an introduction to this topic.  Same message – get out there and grow something.  It is fulfilling in many ways.  If you have any questions or comments please leave them below – and please like, share to your favorite social media, reblog, or follow!IMG_20150502_200232
The garden has been producing very well.  I’ve been gathering something like this at least 2-3 times a week for a salad.


Some peppers I gathered yesterday.  More than I know what to do with.  Might try drying them out.


Little baby cucumbers are starting to grow.


On one tomato plant we have five plump tomatoes, all starting to ripen.  On another we have around 5 romas still growing, and another we have a couple little Black Krims coming along.


My two pots of cilantro have bolted and are producing coriander.  I have another pot of cilantro just starting to sprout.  Its one of my favorite herbs.


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